Fashion Report


[About] the Report

This report explores organic search demand within the turbulent fashion sector throughout 2023. Examining possible arguments around why certain brands have fallen whereas others have found growth; there are clear differences between brand and non-brand searches, and divergences between high-street, luxury, and bridge brands.

To gather the data used in this report, we collected insights from thousands of keywords in the MediaVision Metis Market and Brand Demand Trackers to build a comprehensive view of organic trends across the fashion sector in 2023, from January to November.

Report Highlights

Which fashion brands have seen the highest demand this year?

There’s a slight difference between fashion brand and non-brand search in 2023. Both have fallen, which is to be expected with reduced shopper spending and changing habits, however, brand search has fallen considerably less. There are a few reasons for these overall declines so far in 2023. Aside from seasonality, we know shoppers are reducing spend due to the cost-of-living crisis – this has seen affordable fashion brands rise. And they are also shopping consciously, with brand reputation and sustainability playing a big part.

  • Non-brand fashion terms underperformed this year, with an overall decline of 13.32% YoY.
  • Some brands still saw growth, however, with Shein, New Balance, Crocs and Uniqlo all seeing growth.
  • Shoppers are much more invested in sustainability, which has seen brands such as Patagonia, Ugg, and Birkenstock all increase.
  • High Street Brands, such as Adidas, Converse, and H&M, saw a downturn in brand search interest, with an overall decline of 9.07%.
  • Bridge brands, like All Saints, Burberry and Oliver Bonas, saw a rise of 2.47% YoY


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